
27 August, 2010

tiny treasures

I made this sweet little bear for my mother in laws birthday and i think he is just lovely!
It is made from the pattern "Pekoe" by Brewer's Bruins and is about 7cm tall. I loved making him, it was really satisfying to see progress so quickly!  I have another one from the same pattern nearly finished so stay tuned... 

26 July, 2010

never too old for teddies!

This is [supposed to be] Angelica by Katrina Ndrejica of Bumble Bears. The pattern was printed in Homespun No.83 and as soon as I saw her I knew I had to make her! 
I hadn't ever made a bear before, and it was a learning curve! The fur I used probably wasn't the right choice, but now I know! I used a dress fabric I had left over from a jacket lining and I sewed the pieces together with my machine, rather than by hand. The sewing machine didn't cope very well with sewing the fur so close to the edge, so I ended up pinning the pieces to a sheet of paper to sew, then tearing the paper away. It sewed much smoother then. It was going to be for my little girl, but I'm afraid she might come apart at the seams with too many cuddles lol. Oh well, I think she's pretty cute for my first attempt! 

My mum will be celebrating a big birthday in October and I wanted to make something special for her, so i ordered a kit from Bear Essence, for Linda Benson's Polar Cub. So cute! I've started cutting out the pieces, and I'll be sewing it all by hand this time so i wanted to start it in plenty of time.
I then stumbled across Thimblebeary Originals and became obsessed. Now i fear the lap quilt I have pinned together, waiting to be quilted and bound will never get finished!
I spent a wonderful day on Saturday with my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law shopping around some beautiful fabric and craft shops in Perth. My Sister-in-law does ballroom dancing and needed fabric to have a dress made, so we got what she needed and had some time to stop in at The Teddy Tree. What a treasure trove, so many wonderful bears and supplies, I came home with 5 patterns and enough fur for about 25 bears... Yep. That quilts going to stay as is for a while!

Better go sew some bears!

22 July, 2010

first quilt!

My first quilt is finished :)
It is "Meg's Garden" by Kellie at Don't Look Now! 
I just love it, It was so much fun to make, and quite quick too. Once I got the hang of the raw edge applique it all came together very easily.

 If you've seen the pattern before you might notice my flower border doesn't go all the way around like it's supposed to... I miss calculated the fabric requirements for the background so it wasn't wide enough, so my border goes across the top and bottom and tapers in at the sides. I still think it looks lovely, and now it's the perfect size to sit on the top of the bed.
The little one i made it for loves it too!

I love this method of quilting and would definitely do it again. I tend to get bored quickly so the faster the better!